23 April 2014

Rags To Riches

By Roger Colins

Without backing or family or friends or support,.. how do you expect to get from rags to riches?

I've been trying my whole life. My own family insisted that I do everything myself and not help one iota. My friends have all left me to enjoy their own endeavours, no one I have ever asked for help has come through so really, how does one go from rags to riches?

I do not see it as a possibility.

Hard Work!

Yes, you can work hard and yes you can gamble your investments and yes you can save money but none of these things ensure what is commonly understood to be, a success.

More millionaires and billionaires and dare I says it, trillionaries that we will see, are springing up as if from nowhere. Modern times. Capitalism. The advantage the privileged have over the poor.

Interesting. I have read of one man in India, Arunachalam Muruganantham that managed to build, manufacture and sell, sanitary pads, to the poorest women in his country for cut price profits because he simply believes in the welfare of living. He does not believe in success being measured by a bank account, indeed, he refused such monetary gains. You can read about the story here.

Is It About Money?

I'm sure there are many success stories out there, where a man or woman has come from less than nothing to enjoy the success and fame that the millionaires of this world enjoy. I have only heard of a few and even those few have been tainted.

I no longer hear of the Indian man's success, no longer do I hear of him branching out to other third world or developing countries with his revolutionary idea. Is this because he has sold out? I think not. I think it because he has Not sold out and that the larger corporations have merely moved in to stem his initiative.

Anyone else? In a world where the population is humongous, not only does that mean that there should be a bigger market but that does, also mean that there is more competition.

Does that mean actual growth where the cream rises to the top?


It most certainly does not because if it were so then my Indian would have been given control of the sanitary business due to his back street smarts and encouraged to approach the even more deprived regions of the world.

The same can be said for any industry or art.

Banksy, the wily dog, has outwitted authority for a decade and still no one really knows his true identity. Yet, his works are bought and sold by and to the highest bidders, world wide with owners taking his art pieces to the law courts over ownership. Does that mean Banksy is worth millions?


He doesn't get a dime nor penny because he has other aims to occupy his thoughts with. Then how do they do it?

How on earth did Banksy accomplish his world wide renowned success when we all see him as a homeless street artist?

Well, he's not. Only a man that can pay for paint and have the intelligence, the education and upbringing to put together such a flawless continuum of capers could possibly achieve such a thing. His artistic talent aside, his backing has ensured he is a success and nothing else. Hold on!

Does that mean that rags to riches is hogwash?

It does now. The Indian I refer to believes that one can take without destroying but the rest of you, (yes, I do not include myself) believe that it is necessary for success. If you want to be successful in the modern, western world, sure, go for it, no one's stopping you but in order to get that loan from a bank you need credit and for credit you need money and for money you need to work and for work you need time and for a success you need,.. time.

Having tried my best, for a number of years and asked everyone I know for their help and support, I have found none. Zero, nada, nilch. How I am expected to succeed is beyond my but I will not surrender my morality to robbing others. I will not live off the tax payer and I will not submit to a society that says I must.

If I am ever to rise from rags to riches, I'll let you know because I solemnly believe that it is a farce. That those who have become rich have only ever managed to do so due to the help of those more influential, more rich and more powerful that saw profit in that, one, poor man that they wished to exploit.The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and here I am, stuck in the middle looking for a way to break this viscous circle, once and for all.

#society #sociology #money

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