12 January 2014

Modern Pirates

By Roger Colins
The Jolly Roger

I cheat, I'll admit it. I'm even going to tell you how not to do it but first, a quick note on the ethics involved. I'll come back to a fuller examination on morality and ethics some other time but for now, let's stick to cheating.

Guy Fawkes Mask
Pirates are cool. They strike the Jolly Roger, offer a chance for surrender and plunder treasure without a care in the world for who's getting the pointy end of the stick.

Aside from the seafaring pirates that still hound the horn of Africa to Madagascar, modern day pirates also operate on the internet. Screeners, ripped music and DVD's, even movies sneaked out of Hollywood before the blue screen has been filled in, are all outlawed.

These, pirates have more in kind with Robin Hood than Jack Sparrow. They risk their well being not for themselves but to share their ill gotten gains with the entire planet, free of charge.

The bad guys are supposed to be cool or they wouldn't make very good, bad guys but even pirates are supposed to abide by the pirate code!


If you own an Android powered device, you're already a cheat. Really? Android is based on Linux open source software. Completely free and run by volunteers, no different than a charity shop. The competition, we know who you are, all secretly consider Linux distributions, cheaters.
What is inside Android?

Android, Ubuntu, Mint, Red Hat, Debian, Fedora, the new Steam, Gentoo, openSUSE and Chrome, yes Chrome too is Linux based source code. Have a look here for an idea of some of the rest.

'Why haven't I heard of these?' you might ask.

First of all, Linux is primarily the developer's tool to build other software. Some of you may already be aware of this.

As you can see, Chrome is Google's flagship browser.

Chrome was built on Chromium and Chromium built with Gentoo, one of the skinniest operating systems ever made. It'll fit quite easily on any thumb drive. Unless you're a developer, you probably won't have heard of most of these.

Second, it's free. Open source means that anyone can play with the source code to fix bugs, adjust, tweak and arrange any program to get things working the way you want. Since it is free, there's no point in advertising or marketing it, at all.

Lastly, everyone's scared of Linux and quite rightly so. It is powerful. Any android phone or tablet can be 'rooted' which is to simply unlock the safeguards so you can start playing with the source code and turn it into a refrigerator, should you so wish.

Java has become integral

Google had a problem, quite recently because the developers used Java to stick the Android programs together without telling anyone. Naughty.

The commercial software you pay for seem to provide a very poor service. They are, user friendly with great design, crisp graphics and clever apps all brought together to provide a hassle free experience at a reasonable price.

How many times did your operating system stall or crash last week? Mine hasn't, ever. Why? Because I have a community of crackers (hackers) building mine.

Genuinely motived, they don't waste time with big business and are only interested in the best.

Survival of the fittest sounds like something that only happens to wild animals and homo sapiens, but were are still homo sapiens and survival of the fittest is still very much alive and well, if not more so than ever before.

I cannot and will not, ever, endorse theft, robbery or fraud. Unless you are starving. If you are starving, I will not only endorse but actively encourage. Taking advantage of others is deplorable but taking advantage of those, taking advantage of you is beating them at their own game.

It is up to you to decide who is taking advantage of you and who is trying to make life more convenient.


Here's what not to do if you still don't want to cheat. Don't, download and install Firefox nor, these add-ons for the browser -

Adblock Plus, Adblock Plus Pop-up Addon, Adblock Element Hiding helper, BetterPrivacy, DoNotTrackMe, Firefox Ad killer, Ghostery, Self Destructing Cookies, Skipscreen or WOT

- because they will kill the advertising community, stop the big companies tracking your every move and make it near impossible for them to market new products or inform the general public about new deals, discounts about the latest top brand name products for you to buy, on the internet at least. WOT will however keep you safe from known malware.

Don't follow this link, or follow the 7 steps about 'pipelining' to speed up your internet that will take less than a minute to do.

Last of all, whatever you do, don't visit watchseries, vodly or movie4k. They all keep changing their URL's and suck money out from under the already poor and ailing production companies. If they go under, there'll be no more TV shows or movies for anyone.

The Linux Penguin
You can however, go to Linux, download and install Ubuntu, Mint or openSUSE right alongside your current operating system but beware, even though it is worth it, it will take time to do and you'll have to learn one or two new things and, you'll still be cheating!

how not to 


  1. Great post. I cheat too...and quite a lot at that base on your article...LOL

  2. Thanks Jervis! Great too see I'm not alone... the pirate code lives on! Arrrggh!
