2 October 2014

Disrespecting The Law

By Roger Colins

Hong Kong protesters Accused of 'Disrespecting the Law'.
Hong Kong has heard that the man in charge Mr Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying will not step down as demanded. Quite the contrary, as Beijing have begun backing him to stay in full control as their representative of the people. Take that any way you like.

Have a look at this, today's headline on the BBC website;

Hong Kong protests: China strongly backs leader CY Leung


The report details one interesting affirmation from the People's Party's official Communist newspaper, the people daily. This, having come from yet a third source from yet another newspaper but none the less, as you can see about half way down the article on the BBC, we have the line;

People's Daily also carried on its website a
comment piece from another newspaper
which stated: "Hong Kong has for many years
enjoyed peace and harmony. It now sees the
emergence of this embarrassing chaos, and
the root cause lies with a few people who are
disrespecting the law."

I couldn't help myself and took to a dozen or so comment boxes to bandy about a hashtag; #Disrespectingthelaw. I doubt anything will come of it and if so, it'll probably be perverted into something anarchist. It's the mindless hypocrisy of whoever this came from that is so telling in a situation where kettles are being called black. The protesters are allowed to protest in Hong Hong. They're allowed to vote for their own representation and this they can do for another 33 years according to legislation agreed to by the People's Communist Party, just 14 years ago.

The People's Party, having gone along and insisted Beijing vet the HK candidates, have broken their own law and certainly disrespected it. Calling the protesters illegal, is also breaking one's own law as the the Communist Party said they could. It is slander at the same time, but I'm not sure if that's actually a crime in China, Beijing or Hong Kong. Probably not.

The phrase 'Do as I say, not as I do.' might only fit if this person, this People's Communist Party weren't going around breaking the laws he, they, it,.. himself, themselves, itself invented. Even if the people of Hong Kong were to comply with Beijing's rule, orders, administration or laws I can't see where they would start as anything said by the mainland is beyond contradictory.


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