27 March 2014

Poetic Justice

By Roger Colins

Poetic Justice

Poetry be musical,
thought something more than just words,
betwixt can be found,
an affinity I thought and decided,
something worth exploring towards.

Working from the fore to the rear,
exploration can be seen,
as the starting key.

Worth is only ever worthwhile,
if the time taken,
has not been for nothing.

A decision is spawned from a thought,
a thought spawned from an affinity.

Discovery and exploration go hand in hand,
but require the gist of thought and decision,
neither of which can ever be agreed upon.

Form spark and reflex,
reaction and chemistry,
the idea comes as if from a void,
attracting about a cluster of arbitrary words,

allocations and labels to guess,
whatever they may be,
at what the thought wishes to express.

From without the reflex and sparks receive,
efferent music from the senses derive,
from environments so massive,
inescapable and true.

This be the poetry of nature,
only known to that which,
our exploration can never know,
yet always starts anew.


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